New Year, New You in 2020?
“This year will be the year I lose weight and get fit”. As a personal trainer in Brighton and Hove, this is very familiar. Indeed, statistics indicate that 87% of us will make at least one resolution each New Year. Many of which will be related to health and fitness. According to recent research, around 57% of us promise to eat healthier, 52% resolve to exercise more, and 41% want to lose weight. But how can we ensure that resolutions translate into lasting results?
Try to avoid choosing a resolution you have been unsuccessful at achieving year after year. This is likely to set you up for failure, frustration and disappointment. If you are still tempted to attempt a promise that you’ve made before, then keep it simple and realistic. Instead of attempting to go to the gym 5 or 6 days a week, aim to gradually increase your weekly exercise quota. This can easily be extended into something more ambitious as the year progresses.
Remember, it takes 21 days to form a new habit. If you are attempting Dry January in 2020, you may find it surprisingly easy after 3 weeks! The real benefit of reducing alcohol intake is that it enables the liver to focus on fat metabolism. As a personal trainer in Brighton and Hove, I have seen it accelerate results first hand.
Be flexible in 2020
It is important to be flexible. When it comes to healthy eating, rebellion against strict food guidelines could just be the secret to success. A new study has found that people with a flexible approach to eating – one that allows for occasional sweets and other perceived “slip-ups” – have a better record of maintaining weight loss than those with an “all or nothing” strategy. As a personal trainer in Brighton and Hove, I always advise clients to follow a sustainable nutrition plan.
Don’t feel that seeking help is a cop out. Everyone needs support to achieve their goals and the help of a trained professional might be just what you need to make some lasting changes. As a personal trainer in Brighton and Hove, I work with clients to improve their health by providing positive solutions for specific goals. I can also identify nutritional factors which may be holding you back from progressing and develop a personal food plan to maximise your health and vitality throughout 2020.
Best wishes,