Running Fitness Brighton

How to get into running

New to running? Since the Brighton Half Marathon I have noticed an increased number of runners on the promenade in Brighton and Hove. The vast majority are sticking to the safe 2 metre distance advised during the pandemic. This is great to see. However, when new to running it is vitally important not to do…

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Personal Trainer Brighton

Home and outdoor training

As a personal trainer in Brighton and Hove, I am finding that outdoor and home training are becoming increasingly popular with clients with Coronavirus (COVID-19) spreading. The current gym closures provide an ideal opportunity to mix up your training at home. Very little space and no equipment are required! Training at home enables you to…

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personal trainer brighton rugby world cup fitness

Rugby and fitness

As a personal trainer in Brighton and Hove, I am excited that the Rugby World Cup 2019 has started in Japan! Over the next 6 weeks, 20 nations will go head-to-head to lift the Webb Ellis Cup. I can’t believe it is 4 years ago since the tournament was held here. Indeed, will anyone stop…

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Personal Trainer Brighton

Free weights vs Machines

There’s no better feeling than the one you get after a good workout; it’s finding the motivation to get there that’s often the problem. Why does your designated exercise time always seem to become the perfect time to do something else? If you need a bit of encouragement, here are some tips to help you…

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Personal Trainer Brighton Hove

Feeling Stressed?

In occasional small doses, stress can help you perform under pressure and motivate you to do your best. But if you find yourself in a constant state of stress, your mind and body will pay the price. Indeed, stress releases the hormone Cortisol, which acts to break down muscle tissue. This is highly inefficient because…

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personal training brighton

Kettlebell Blast

As you proceed with your fitness programme in Brighton and Hove, it is important to keep increasing the overall intensity of your sessions. By continually pushing the body in different ways you will drive it to become stronger, faster, and leaner. The key is to keep the body guessing so you don’t hit a plateau.…

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pt brighton

PT Brighton

As a PT in Brighton, I am conscious that there comes a point in many nutrition and fitness plans when you might find yourself tempted to throw in the towel. This can often happen when you follow the same routine for too long, or pick up an injury. During such moments, get out a pen…

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personal trainer hove park

Hit a plateau?

Do you feel like you’ve hit a wall with your progress? A plateau can be a common and very frustrating occurrence in any fitness regime. It is important not to become discouraged if you feel you’re not progressing quickly enough because you can soon get back on track by making some minor alterations to your…

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nutritionist hove

Summer Snacking

With the summer holidays fast approaching, as a personal trainer in Brighton and Hove, I have recently noticed clients sticking very tightly to my nutritional advice. After all, nutrition accounts for a large slice of your success in the gym and therefore how confident you feel on the beach! Although you may feel initially uneasy…

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a male client being trained by a personal trainer in Brighton & Hove

Feeling fatigued?

Whether it’s down to embarrassment, fear or simply lack of awareness, there are many factors which can hold you back from achieving optimum health. So have a think about it: what is stopping you from getting the most out of your current diet and exercise routine? And how can you address it?  Feeling daunted by…

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personal training brighton

21 Days Later

Recent university research shows that it takes 21 days to develop a habit. So next time you wish to start a new healthy routine with a personal trainer in Brighton and Hove, don’t tell yourself you are doing it for life; imagine that you are going to make a commitment for just 3 weeks. At…

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gym brighton hove

Which gym in Brighton and Hove?

Which is the best gym in Brighton and Hove? As a local PT, this is a question I am often asked. For me, nothing beats getting out in the fresh air and completing a challenging workout on the Brighton seafront when the sun is out; the claustrophobic gym environment does not even come close! I…

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personal trainer hove

PT Hove

As a PT in Hove, I am aware its the season for setting new goals and I’m writing this to help you follow through with them. Remember, the main aspect of reaching your goals is consistency. Stick with your plan and you will reach the finish line! Here are 4 strategies to help overcome barriers…

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